Source code for acq400_configure_transient

#!/usr/bin/env python

configure transient
acq1014_configure_transient UUT1 UUT2 [NPOST] [trigger=int|ext|ext2]

usage: [-h] [--pre PRE] [--post POST]
                                 [--clk CLK] [--trg TRG] [--sim SIM]
                                 [--trace TRACE]
                                 uuts [uuts ...]

configure multiple acq400

positional arguments:
  uuts           uut pairs: m1,m2 [s1,s2 ...]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --pre PRE      pre-trigger samples
  --post POST    post-trigger samples
  --clk CLK      int|ext|zclk|xclk,fpclk,SR,[FIN]
  --trg TRG      int|ext,rising|falling
  --sim SIM      nosim|s1[,s2,s3..] list of sites to run in simulate mode
  --trace TRACE  1 : enable command tracing

import sys
import acq400_hapi
from acq400_hapi import intSI as intSI
import argparse

[docs]def configure_shot(args): uuts = [acq400_hapi.Acq400(u) for u in args.uuts] for uut in uuts: acq400_hapi.Acq400UI.exec_args(uut, args) if hasattr(uut.s0, 'TIM_CTRL_LOCK'): print("LOCKDOWN {}".format(uut)) uut.s0.TIM_CTRL_LOCK = 0 pre = intSI(args.pre) post = intSI( for u in uuts: print("uut:%s" % (u.uut)) u.s0.transient = "PRE=%d POST=%d SOFT_TRIGGER=%d" % (pre, post, 1 if pre>0 else 0)
[docs]def run_main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='configure multiple acq400') acq400_hapi.Acq400UI.add_args(parser) parser.add_argument('uuts', nargs='+', help="uut pairs: m1,m2 [s1,s2 ...]") configure_shot(parser.parse_args())
# execution starts here if __name__ == '__main__': run_main()