This is the complete list of members for
LL_ControlSystem, including all inherited members.
ACQ(int _ai_count, int _di_count, int _ao_count, int _do_count) | ACQ | [inline, protected] |
addCard(ACQ196 *_acq196)=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
addCard(AO32 *_ao32)=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
ai_count | ACQ | [protected] |
ao_count | ACQ | [protected] |
Arm(const short *ao_values_init=NO_VALUE, const unsigned *do_values_init=NO_VALUE)=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
closedown(LL_ControlSystem &sys) | LL_ControlSystem | [static] |
create(const char *_id) | LL_ControlSystem | [static] |
createFromFile(const char *config_file) | LL_ControlSystem | [static] |
di_count | ACQ | [protected] |
do_count | ACQ | [protected] |
getAI(short *ai_values) | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getAI_count(void) const | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getAO_count(void) const | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getDI(unsigned *di_values) | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getDI_count(void) const | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getDO_count(void) const | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getOffset(ACQ_Card *card, enum IO io)=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
getSamples() const =0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
getStatus(unsigned *status_values) | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
getStatus_count(void) const | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
id | ACQ | [protected] |
init(int argc, const char *argv[])=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
IO(const short *ao_values, const unsigned *do_values, short *ai_values, unsigned *di_values, unsigned *status)=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
LL_ControlSystem(const char *_id="LL_ControlSystem") | LL_ControlSystem | [inline, protected] |
print()=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
putAO(const short *ao_values) | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
putDO(const unsigned *do_values) | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |
Stop()=0 | LL_ControlSystem | [pure virtual] |
~ACQ() | ACQ | [inline, virtual] |