Source code for zero_offset

import numpy as np
import os
from acq400_hapi.awg_data import AwgDefaults

[docs]class ZeroOffset: def __init__(self, uut, nchan, nsam, target=0, run_forever=False, gain = 0.1, passvalue = 1, aochan = 0, ao0 = 0): print("ZeroOffset") self.uut = uut self.nchan = nchan self.nsam = nsam = float(target) self.run_forever = run_forever if aochan == 0: aochan = nchan = np.zeros((nsam,aochan)) for ch in range(0, aochan):[:,ch] = ch'int16').tofile("awg.dat") self.current = np.zeros(nchan) self.finished = 0 self.in_bounds = False self.KFB = gain self.passvalue = float(passvalue/gain) self.identity_pattern = bool(int(os.getenv("IDENTITY_PATTERN", 0))) self.verbose = int(os.getenv("VERBOSE", 0)) self.ao0 = ao0 self.user_quit = False self.defs = AwgDefaults(uut.uut) # offsets compensate channel geometry when AWG disabled self.apply_geometry = bool(int(os.getenv("AO_CORRECT_GEOMETRY", 0))) self.geometry = [ -2*3.3, 0, 0, -2*3.3, 0, 0, 0, 6*3.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3*3.3, 0, 0, -2*3.3, 0, 0, -2*3.3, 0, 0, 0, 6*3.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3*3.3, 0, 0 ] try: print("self.identity_pattern {}".format(self.identity_pattern)) if not self.identity_pattern: self.current = self.defs.read_defaults() for ch in range(0, self.nchan):[:,self.ao0+ch] = self.current[ch] except IOError: print("no defaults")
[docs] def vprint(self, str): if self.verbose > 0: print(str)
[docs] def feedback(self, fb_data): actual = np.mean(fb_data[50:,:], axis=0) error = actual - errmax = max(abs(error)) if errmax < self.passvalue: print("maximum error {} is within bounds {}, save it".format(errmax, self.passvalue)) self.defs.store_defaults(self.current) self.in_bounds = True else: print("maximum error {}".format(errmax)) self.current = np.mean(, axis=0)[self.ao0:self.ao0+self.nchan] self.newset = self.current + ( - actual) * self.KFB self.newset = np.clip(self.newset, -32768, 32767) if np.max(self.newset) >= 32767 or np.min(self.newset) <= 32768: print("Hit rails good idea to quit") passcount=0 railcount=0 for e in np.nditer(error): if abs(e) < self.passvalue: passcount += 1 elif abs(e) >= 32767: railcount +=1 if passcount+railcount > len(error)/2: self.in_bounds = True if self.verbose or self.in_bounds: np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200, precision=3) print("target {}".format( print("current {}".format(self.current)) print("actual {}".format(actual)) print("error {}".format(error)) print("errma {}".format(errmax)) print("gain {}".format(self.KFB)) print("step {}".format(( - actual) * self.KFB)) print("newset {}".format(self.newset)) if not self.identity_pattern: for ch in range(0, self.nchan):[:,self.ao0+ch] = self.newset[ch]'int16').tofile("awg.dat")
[docs] def load(self, autorearm = False): self.vprint("load 01") yy = self while not self.finished: self.vprint("load 10") if self.finished and self.apply_geometry: print("apply_geometry") for ch in range(0, self.nchan):[:,ch] += self.geometry[ch] yy = None self.uut.load_awg(, autorearm = autorearm) print("loaded array ", if self.in_bounds: # plot this one, drop out next time print("Target achieved, quit any time") self.finished = True self.vprint("load 66") yield yy self.vprint("load 99")