acq1014_caploop module

capture loop test acq1001_caploop UUT1 [UUT2 ..] where UUT1 is the ip-address or host name of first uut example test client runs captures in a loop on one or more uuts

pre-requisite: UUT's are configured and ready to make a transient capture eg clk is running. soft trg enabled eg transient length set.

loop continues "forever" until <CTRL-C>

usage: [-h] [--sleep SLEEP] [--trg TRG] [--nsam NSAM]
[--shots SHOTS] uuts [uuts ...]

acq1014 looptest

positional arguments:
uuts uut pairs: m1,m2 [s1,s2 ...]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sleep SLEEP sleep time between shots, -1:pause input
--trg TRG trigger int|ext
--nsam NSAM expected number of samples
--shots SHOTS number of shots to run
acq1014_caploop.save_2d_data(args, chx, nuut, nchan, shot)[source]